Captain Noah Grant Chapter

Tolland, CT
Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution
Organized on April 3, 1975

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Meetings are held on the 1st Saturday of
October, November, December, January,
February, March, April, May, and June.

American Citizen Medal Proud Sponsor of
National Award-winning
Junior American Citizens Clubs

Mrs. Norman Strong,
JAC Chairman


Carol Nelson is presenting the DAR Community Service Award to Carl Schaefer of Rockville for his many years of community involvement and organization of many parades honoring veterans. In 1998, Rockville hosted a Flag Day Parade, its first in many years. It was sponsored by the Rockville Elks with Schaefer serving as chairman.  Mrs. Pauline Schaefer looks on as the award is presented.

chapter members

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If you have questions or you are interested in joining this chapter
please send us an email by clicking on the button below.

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Last updated June 25, 2013